Over the past five years, energy healing and sacred plant medicine have healed me of a variety of traumas, anxiety, and depression as well as moved me into a state of heart consciousness. With each healing, I gained a greater understanding of the causes of my uneasy mental state, connected stronger with spirit, and became full of more love.
I dedicate my life to sharing energy & plant-based medicines. As such, I founded Conscious Cacao and received certifications in Reiki, Cacao Facilitating, and Akashic Records Reading. It is an honour and blessing to be a guide in your healing & spiritual journey.

Natalie's Offerings
Intention discussion
Cacao blessing & drinking with clear intentions & gratitude
Cacao connects us to the heart, greater body, mind, & soul. Through this power, ceremonies can offer tremendous healings.
With my spirit guides, I offer a guided meditation that matches your intentions
Alex and I regularly offer group online ceremonies. Please follow Conscious Cacao on Instagram or join our mailing list to receive those invitations.
Our couples’ Cacao Ceremony offerings are at the bottom of this page.

1-1: £55
Contact for private group price

Consultation with 45 minutes of Reiki treatment
I will connect with the Reiki energy & use my hands to balance & move energy across the body to promote healing & relaxation
It is not restricted by time or place. Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person.
An ancient Japanese healing practice & holistic approach to healing.
A combination of 2 Japanese words, “Rei” meaning “Universal Life” and “Kei” meaning “Energy”.
Cacao is a powerful heart opener, making it a wonderful compliment to Reiki energy healing
Consultation, Cacao blessing, and drinking the medicine with clear intentions
Through my spirit guides, I will guide you in a meditation that matches your intentions
30 minutes of Reiki treatment
I will connect with the Reiki energy & use my hands to balance & move energy across the body to promote healing & relaxation
Reiki is not restricted by time or place. Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person.


Do you have a burning question you’d like answered? Do you feel stuck, confused or in need of guidance? Are you looking for direction in your life? If so, an Akashic Records reading could be the answer you’re seeking!
The Akashic Records are a field of infinite possibilities, every word, thought, action, feeling you’ve ever encountered in this lifetime and previous lifetimes is recorded in the Akashic Records. These records are kept by your MTLO’s (Masters, Teachers and Loved One’s) and in a reading, you will connect with them to receive loving guidance, wisdom and support for your highest good. You will only receive guidance that you are ready to receive and is useful to you in the present moment.
Included in the Akashic Records reading, there will be a guided meditation to help quieten the mind bringing you into a state of relaxation and comfort before we open your records. My meditations are nature focused, connecting with the Earth to ground and clear of any energy no longer serving you before moving into the Akashic Records reading.
The reading will be recorded and sent out afterwards.
For over 5 years, including living for 18 months at my Shipibo Maestro’s center in the Peruvian Amazon, I have worked with sacred plants, shamanic healing techniques, and tantric yoga practices. Upon arrival to these modalities of medicine, I was fundamentally depressed due to an array of traumas that occurred over my life. Gradually, my spiritual practices and gifts removed these negative energies and moved me closer to spirit.
It is an incredible blessing to share the spiritual techniques and gifts I’ve learned with others. I am but a guide on your hero’s journey and have one intent with my life: to be of service.

Alex's Offerings
Consultation on your intentions
Cacao blessing with opening & protecting of ceremonial space
Through my spirit guides & depending on your intentions, I may offer an Icaro (sacred healing song), chant mantras, guide a meditation, teach spiritual practices, or discuss your healing journey
Natalie and I regularly offer online group ceremonies. Please follow Conscious Cacao on Instagram or join our mailing list to receive those invitations.
Our couples’ Cacao Ceremony offerings are at the bottom of this page.

1-1: £55
Contact for private group price

Before and during our session, I will connect with my spirit guides to best serve you. A session may include conversing, an Icaro (sacred healing song), or teaching of spiritual techniques.
Assistance in integrating Sacred Plant medicine experiences
Healing support or spiritual guidance
To learn more about Amazonian Sacred Plants, shamanism, or spiritual techniques
General spiritual awakening support